toxic torts

Toxic torts are injuries to someone caused by toxic substances. If you or a loved one sustained injuries or harm after being exposed to a dangerous substance, you could be entitled to compensation for your financial losses, physical injuries, and other damages. When a large group of people are injured because of exposure to a toxic substance, they may bring a class-action lawsuit, or their lawsuits may be consolidated into multi-district (MDL).

Our toxic torts lawyers explain toxic torts and consumer products in this blog, including what you should know about bringing action for toxic torts. 

Exposure to Toxic Materials and Dangerous Substances in Consumer Products 

Hazardous substances in consumer products can cause injuries and make you sick. For example, lead paint used in manufacturing children’s toys, asbestos in your home, or garden pesticides could result in catastrophic illnesses. Individuals use these products without realizing that the substances in the products can cause them to become ill.

Toxic tort claims for consumer products cover everything from household cleaners and talcum powder to pesticides and breast implants. Any consumer product that contains a dangerous substance could potentially cause significant harm to the person who purchases and/or uses the product. 

Who Can I Sue for Toxic Torts Caused by Consumer Products?

Determining who is liable for a consumer product toxic tort claim can be challenging. Multiple parties could share liability for damages. Furthermore, the illness or injury may not display symptoms until years later, so the consumer is unaware they were injured or harmed by a product. 

Most toxic torts for consumer products are brought under product liability law. However, other grounds could exist depending on the facts of the case. In a product liability claim, the designer could be liable if the product has an inherent flaw or danger. Other parties that could be liable include manufacturers, distributors, and retailers. 

What Do I Need to Prove to Win a Toxic Tort Case for a Consumer Product?

We must prove several legal elements to prove you are entitled to damages. A successful claim requires our attorneys to prove:

  • The consumer product was dangerous or hazardous
  • You were exposed to the hazardous substance 
  • You sustained an injury or illness after the exposure
  • The exposure was the cause of your illness or injury
  • You incurred damages as a result of being exposed to a toxic substance

At Wool Trial Law, LLC, our toxic tort lawyers have extensive experience handling these types of claims. Our law firm has substantial resources to investigate and pursue toxic tort claims for consumer products. We are well-equipped to fight to recover compensation for your damages. 

What Damages Can I Recover for a Consumer Product Toxic Tort Claim?

Compensation for a toxic tort claim for a consumer product includes economic and non-economic damages. Examples of damages include:

  • Medical bills
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Emotional distress
  • Permanent impairment
  • Reductions in earning capacity

Our legal team will fight to recover the total value of your damages. While money will not undo what has happened to you, it can provide for future care while punishing the parties who caused your injuries. 

Call Our Office to Learn More About How Our Toxic Tort Lawyers Can Help You 

You don’t deserve to bear the burden and suffering caused by a negligent or careless party. If a consumer product injured you or a family member, you have rights. Contact Wool Trial Law, LLC, to discuss your legal options for filing a product liability lawsuit. Our toxic tort injury lawyers at Wool Trial Law, LLC are here to help you recover fair compensation for your injuries and damages.