chemical barrels warning of toxic exposure

The Science of Toxic Exposure: Understanding the Basics of Toxicology in Toxic Tort Cases

Toxic exposure to dangerous substances can cause chronic illness, disability, and death. The exposure might take months or years to cause someone harm. However, a single dose in a strong concentration could cause death in some cases. 

Chemical and toxic exposure can occur because of workplace conditions, pharmaceuticals, medical...

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field behind sprayed with weed killer

The Science Behind Toxic Tort Cases: How Experts Help Prove Your Case

Toxic torts are a specialized type of personal injury case that alleges that a harmful substance injured a person. The lawsuit could involve herbicides like RoundUp, dangerous chemicals in drinking water like the Camp Lejeune contaminated wells, or prescription drugs that cause unexpected side effects.

Toxic torts are...

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contaminated water

The Legal Process of Filing a Toxic Tort Claim for Injuries Sustained at Camp Lejeune

If you got diagnosed with a specific type of cancer or another disease and you think that it might be related to your military service at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina, you might be eligible for benefits from the government. There are new laws that allow some claims that were previously denied...

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The Dangers of Landfill Leaks and the Toxic Chemicals That You May Be Exposed To

Until we find a better way to dispose of solid waste, landfills will be a necessary evil. What are the risks to people and the environment when landfills leak? The University of Colorado reports that there are more than 3,00 active landfills and 10,000 closed landfills across the United States. Although...

The Dangers of Landfill Leaks and the Toxic Chemicals That You May Be Exposed To Continue reading…